and... i'm the proud owner of 400+ new songs. =) thanks to pewi ! haha. i went to his house after leaving airport to kope some songs, and now i have alot more songs.
And i spent the last 30-45 minutes tidying up my ipod too! removed all the duplicates and repeats, and corrected a whole bunch of titles.
I dont know why i'm so particular, but i cannot stand it when a song name is like for example " I want it that way" (lol it was the first song i thought of that had many words)
I HAVE to change it to 'I Want It That Way'
In case you dont notice the difference, every word is capitalised. This looks so much neater!
Also i had alot of songs that had names like "Jason Mraz - I'm Yours" which i corrected to "I'm Yours" and set the artist as Jason Mraz.
i feel so happy with my ipod now =) haha.
anw, i'm going for a concert tmr! (or rather, today, since it's past midnight) Going to support Weiqin in her NTU band concert.. hope it's not too boring!!
hope to take lotsa photos too =X ha. must must!